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The HSE have a Free of Charge checklist for employers to complete DSE assessments and can be found on the following link 

Employers continue to have responsibility for employees using DSE Equipment with Agile, Hot Desk or Home working. This less traditional type of working is increasingly commonplace and needs to be considered when looking at flexible working policy.

Occupational Health are usually asked to complete a DSE Assessment if an employee continues to experience discomfort, or has an increase in symptoms of an ongoing medical condition whilst working at the workstation.

What Happens During the Assessment?


Firstly, in private we will discuss with the employee their specific health concern and workplace tasks. 

Then we complete an assessment of the employee at their workstation. We will advise and if possible we will offer to make any immediate adjustments during the assessment, if required. If it is found during the assessment that equipment may be required, we may be able to provide advice on what type of equipment could be helpful.

Afterwards, a written report will be sent to the employer to advise on any recommendations. This is to assist with maintaining employers and employees' responsibilities within the Health and Safety at Work Display Screen Regulations.

We do not supply equipment, and neither are we affiliated with any equipment supplier.

All Adesso DSE Assessors are DSE Certified

Work Space


T: 01772 620301

Opening times:

9am to 5pm. Mon to Fri


Adesso Occupational Health & Wellbeing Ltd.

Company number: 14964032

Registered in England & Wales

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